To Ian Powell, Head of Group Development


Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, said:


“SMEs are an important part of the thriving economy in Greater Manchester and it is great to see Lowbury Recognised for their work.

“SMEs play a major role in our economic growth and also fantastic opportunities for people to take up apprenticeships. Congratulations to Lowbury on these awards and all the best for the future.”



Forwarded on behalf of Andy Burnham to Lowbury by

Alex Peace

Senior Communications Officer

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

To Iain Macleod, Senior Commercial Manager




Just a quick note to say, it was a pleasure working with you all again on the Wrexham project and I have to say two of our best sites to date are Colwyn Bay and Wrexham, and that’s not just me saying that that is the senior Managers within WWU.


Have a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.





Andy Smith.

Facilities Manager

Wales & West Utilities

To Ian Powell, Head of Group Development


Dear Ian,

May we take this opportunity in thanking you for the help and support being on the panel for the group project for our HNC students. They have gained meaningful and valuable industry experience which will enhance their existing knowledge and skills of the construction sector.

With help from professional as your self, the School of Construction at Blackpool and the Fylde College can continue to provide industry relevant training by working with local and regional employers to enhance the student employability.

Once again, thank you for your valued support and contribution.

Yours sincerely



Ruth Peri

Head of School Of Construction

Blackpool & The Fylde College

Norton S.S. Flood Defence Scheme




Please find attached practical completion certificate.


May I just say a thank you to all the team, and I look forward to working together on future projects.


Best regards,



Tom Barnard | Design Engineer

Freedom Professional Services

follow us on twitter @LowburyLTD

Lowbury Construction Limited, The Old Police Station, 658-662 Liverpool Road, Cadishead, Manchester, M44 5AD, Tel:   0161 775 4376, Fax: 0161 777 9482, Email: admin@lowbury.co.uk